Sunday, April 22, 2012

How to eradicate Communion on the tongue

Kneeling Catholic had a source in the San Antonio area who contributed to this report.....

St. ------ parish, a wealthy parish on the north side of San Antonio has found a way to make certain no-one can receive Holy Communion on the tongue.  They use a version of the Cardinal Schonborn balloon mass.  Whole wheat leaven bread is consecrated and the extraordinary eucharistic ministers freely divy up the portions into the ciboriums with their bare hands.  Then the the tiny Morsels are distributed by extraordinary eucharistic ministers, holding Them between their thumb and forefingers.  Given this circumstance, it would be impossible for the minister not to virtually handle the communicant's tongue, so no one dare's to stick out their tongue...

btw, before someone tries to say this is an Eastern Catholic tradition, i.e. consecrating leavened bread, let me just inform you ahead of time.  Eastern Catholics laity and Orthodox Christians never, ever, ever touch the Holy Species with their hands.  period.  (the priest distributes Communion with a spoon composed of a precious metal).

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