Friday, April 18, 2014

Catholic Answers' Tim Staples goes after Father Barron and Dr. Balthasar

Yes, Friends

I know you are tired of me 'going after' Father Barron for his ...whatever....

But now, respectable Catholics are taking swipes at him as well! the aforementioned Hans Urs von Balthasar, and Fr. Robert Barron, have posited the possibility that all men could well be saved. Indeed, Fr. Barron even claims that as Catholics we "must" hold this to be a real possibility.

In a word, both of these great men are wrong. The teaching of the Church is clear. CCC 1034 teaches us that Jesus "solemnly proclaim[ed]" that Christ will, in fact, "pronounce the condemnation: 'Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire!'" And the Church can do nothing but repeat her Lord's solemn words......


1 comment:

  1. Here's a fun experiment. Try posting a link to this Catholic Answers article to the comments section of one of Mark Shea's blog posts on this topic. If you come back later, the comment will be gone and your account will be banned.
