Monday, July 11, 2011

Archbishop Nichols pressures Catholics in UK to stop kneeling for Communion

and to begin practicing hand Communion.... the Archbishop of Westminster has prepared the following statement to be read in all his parishes .....

>>>"The usual practice in our parishes is for the Sacred Host to be received on the hand, standing, and – when practical and prudent to do so reverently- for the Precious Blood to be received from the Chalice, also whilst standing. This practice of standing is now confirmed in the Liturgical Norm for England and Wales, just recently approved by the Congregation for Divine Worship in Rome...." <<<

His Emminence later goes on to footnote that kneeling for Communion has not been totally banned, as his preceeding bluster "approved by the Congregation for Divine Worship in Rome"!!! seems to imply.

Thank you 'reluctant sinner blog' for the heads up!

The CDW's weakness in publishing its norm

is being exploited to the fullest extent in order to marginalize those Catholics who wish to accept the Holy Father's invitation to kneel for Communion. Bishop Athanasius Schneider has warned us already not to expect the 'collegial' bishops to fall in line with the Holy Father.

Get Ready! The powerful people that run things do not like kneeling, period! Is that a news flash or what?!!

Catholics of UK! The Holy Father wants you to kneel for Jesus. Archbishop Nichols wants you to 'stand up'. Who will you follow?

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