Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Toronto Archbishop Thomas Collins bans Communion on the tongue

Here we go again Friends! Here is how his Excellency worded it....

November 2, 2009
Ongoing Communication regarding the H1N1 Flu Virus
To all clergy and employees of the Archdiocese of Toronto,
I wish to provide you with an additional update regarding proactive measures in relation to the H1N1
Flu Virus. In my communication of September 16, 2009, I provided a number of recommendations
based on counsel from health officials and those experienced with pandemic planning.
We have been closely monitoring the situation. At this time it is necessary for us to elevate our
diligence to the next level in pandemic planning. For the health and safety of all people of faith,
parishes must implement the changes outlined below at all masses as of Tuesday, November 3,
2009 until further notice.
 Temporarily suspend communion from the chalice.
 Temporarily suspend communion on the tongue.
 Parishes should provide hand cleaning stations near church entrances.
 Refrain from shaking hands during the sign of peace. A nod, bow or other appropriate gesture
should be encouraged.
 All those distributing communion are asked to wash their hands before mass. An alcohol-based
sanitizer should be provided so that all ministers may sanitize their hands before and after
distributing communion.
 Please remind your parishioners that if they are feeling sick or ill, it is best for them to stay
I ask that you communicate these changes widely to your parish community. Our Office of Public
Relations & Communications will release this information to local media and through our own H1N1
website: www.archtoronto.org/flu.
To the faithful of the Archdiocese of Toronto, I recognize the distress these changes to our sacred
liturgy may cause for some. Be assured that these are temporary measures only, intended to protect and
care for our most vulnerable brothers and sisters. Please join me in offering prayers for the sick and
suffering in our community.
Sincerely in Christ,
Thomas Collins
Archbishop of Toronto

From Father Zuhlsdorf, who finally says what everyone knows...>>>From my own experience, I have always been able to distribute Communion on the tongue without any contact between my fingers and any tongue. I could probably count the number of times they have made contact on my otherwise dry fingers.<<< ...therefore hand Communion promotes skin to skin contact between the minister and the communicant. Communion on the tongue prevents it. This fact was instrumental in delaying hand Communion's introduction back in the seventies. Now simple logic has been disconnected and we are in the grips of leaders who 'don't let a good crisis go to waste'.

Do not surrender to this 'temporary' measure! Its only support is a false premise. a lie!


1 comment:

  1. I've heard that some people complained to the Bishop and the Bishop said that if the priest is willing then it'd be okay.

    But Glorified Regular flu strikes again
