Father's Church, St. Helena's, is notorius in our town because everyone there is a 'kneeling Catholic'!
The cycle of Gospel readings the past couple of weeks from John 6 has been Eucharistic. Sadly in most parishes the Holy Father's most obvious testimony to the reality of Transubstantiation, i.e. making everyone kneel when they come in contact with It, is being deliberately ignored. (as with k.c.'s spat with Father Matthew Fox. earlier this week manifested!) Such priests say: "The Pope needs just to issue an edict, instead of setting an example!" Those same priests say "I don't have a problem with people kneeling, even if it is against the American Church's norm!" [no doubt, if the Pope issues a kneeling directive, they will be those saying "The Holy Father should have given us instruction before lording it over us!" They give lip service to being loyal to the pope, but they won't preach about the Holy Father's humble example because it might elicit the question....Why?
Once that simple question is asked, then the logical answers must inevitably put the standing, 'adult' American Catholics in a bad light.

from Father's blog:
>>>>In our modern times it is commonly understood that among Catholics there is an alarming loss of faith in the Real Presence. This massive loss of faith is expressed in the loss of reverence in our parishes. Sloppy dress, loud talking in church, cell phones going off, lack of Sunday attendance at Mass, and few people going to Confession, are all signs of a terrible loss of faith in something so fundamental to Catholicism. Sadly enough, many priests are right there with the people. Instead of patiently educating their congregation, they promote irreverent behavior because many of them have lost faith in the Real Presence of our Eucharistic Lord too.What is the cause of this disturbing apostasy?.....<<
>>Every Sunday during the Profession of Faith, we affirm our belief in eternal life. “We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come”. Do we really believe this?How many times do we ever hear convincing homilies about heaven, purgatory and hell? Rather than being an affirmation of the realities of eternity, funeral homilies tend to be a humanistic celebration of the person who has died. In our modern day culture we are continually bombarded by secularism and we need to be continually reminded of the most basic fundamentals of our Catholic Faith. But if many of the clergy no longer believe, what can we expect from the people? Is not this the reason why so many Catholics have left us and have joined evangelical Christian churches that really believe in and are excited about the Word of God?<<<
Hello again KC: I see you have seen St. Helena Church. Good for you. sorry to hear of the spat. Hope those wounds heal quickly. Come to the TLM and kneeling is the norm, not the exception. We invite you to kneel with us. Sunday 09:00 every week.
ReplyDeletebml, the spat wasn't with Fr. Farfaglia, it was with Fr. Matthew Fox. [I'm afraid by using initials I didn't make that clear!] St. Helena's is an example of what happens when the subject of kneeling during Communion is evenmentioned.
ReplyDeleteThe Pope's kneeler and logic and fervent adoration carry the day! We only lose where the gag rule is in place....which is in most parish's, even 'conservative' ones.
thanks for the note,