YIMCATHOLIC / "Why I am Catholic" is a new blog out which lately has tried to up its readership/hits by piling on Father Corapi and now, Michael Voris.
YIMC has a tendentious posting policy...i.e. if you challenge YIMC and show them to be irrational or disingenuine, they will not print your post. period
[[thanks to Father Ray Blake for the nice picture http://marymagdalen.blogspot.com/2011/08/kneeling-or-standing.html]]
I know a poster who was recently censored for simply pointing out that Karl Rahner, a hero for YIMCATHOLIC, was a public dissenter from Human Vitae. That post never saw the light of day on YIMCATHOLIC.
I know a poster who pointed out how 'Frank', YIMCATHOLIC's editor--claiming to love the fact that the Pope was INVITING people to receive Communion kneeling and how he loved that style of leadership ---then turning around within a paragraph or two and saying he would prefer a directive from the Holy Father -- was trying to have it both ways.......That post never saw the light of day on YIMCATHOLIC.
I know a poster who was recently censored for simply pointing out that Karl Rahner, a hero for YIMCATHOLIC, was a public dissenter from Human Vitae. That post never saw the light of day on YIMCATHOLIC.
I know a poster who pointed out how 'Frank', YIMCATHOLIC's editor--claiming to love the fact that the Pope was INVITING people to receive Communion kneeling and how he loved that style of leadership ---then turning around within a paragraph or two and saying he would prefer a directive from the Holy Father -- was trying to have it both ways.......That post never saw the light of day on YIMCATHOLIC.
Apparently YIMC just loves invitations -rather than directives- because they are so easy to ignore!? Maybe Paul VI should have just put Humana Vitae out as a suggestion?
Now that YIMCATHOLIC has gotten in on attacking the Pope's "Kneeling during Communion" invitation the blog has attracted a new cheerleader: Deacon Greg Kandra... [Deacon's Bench blog]
Kandra, not being up to directly attacking the Pope for inviting people to kneel, instead attacks Voris for drawing attention to the Pope's invitation........
Now that YIMCATHOLIC has gotten in on attacking the Pope's "Kneeling during Communion" invitation the blog has attracted a new cheerleader: Deacon Greg Kandra... [Deacon's Bench blog]
Kandra, not being up to directly attacking the Pope for inviting people to kneel, instead attacks Voris for drawing attention to the Pope's invitation........
>Deacon Greg Kandra said...
>Michael Voris has also stated that the preferred method for receiving communion is kneeling >and on the tongue -- a notion that is not only incorrect, but patently false, as anyone can >discover by a quick scan of the GIRM. He's got strong opinions. But he's not the most >authoritative or reliable of teachers.
>August 21, 2011 10:50 PM
Too bad for you, Deacon Kandra, some of us still believe that 1 + 1= 2!! If you condemn kneeling when the Pope invites us to kneel, then you are setting yourself up against the Holy Father. Most American clerics have the cunning to ignore the Pope, rather than trying to explain why they think he is wrong and they are right. Most, but not you!
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