Saturday, June 27, 2009

Article on Archbishop Weakland's betrayal

K. C. often repeats the claim that the Church's central problem is that she doesn't worship like she believes, and that her biggest traitors in the area of social issues are usually somehow connected with idiosyncratic worship. A case in point: Milwaukee's retired Archbishop.

Archbishop Weakland was pioneer of the [I'm not making this up].....'Hootenanny Mass'.
If you are wondering about what that is, you must only go down and watch a 'life teen' mass at your local parish, or go to a Catholic High School's mass. Sadly, most have adopted this format.....

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has an article about the Archbishop's putative harboring of a child molesting priest.... and his pathetic defense....

I understand there are good people that do not see the connection which K. C. insists exists. i.e. they do not see irreverent, casual, or even pseudo-protestant worship as an evil per se.... that it is a separate issue from that of Catholics who don't support the Church on life issues. If you are one of these, please feel free to engage me!...


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