del obispado de san isidro argentina , buenos aires argentina
[PicturesFrom the San Isidro, Argentina Diocese in Buenos Aires --Easter Youth 2009 ]
nº44.] Además de los ministerios instituidos, de lector y de acólito, entre las tareas arriba mencionadas, en primer lugar están los de acólito y de lector con un encargo temporal, a los que se unen otros servicios, descritos en el Misal Romano, y también la tarea de preparar las hostias, lavar los paños litúrgicos y similares.
Todos «los ministros ordenados y los fieles laicos, al desempeñar su función u oficio, harán todo y sólo aquello que les corresponde», y, ya lo hagan en la misma celebración litúrgica, ya en su preparación, sea realizado de tal forma que la liturgia de la Iglesia se desarrolle de manera digna y decorosa.
Se debe evitar el peligro de oscurecer la complementariedad entre la acción de los clérigos y los laicos, para que las tareas de los laicos no sufran una especie de «clericalización», como se dice, mientras los ministros sagrados asumen indebidamente lo que es propio de la vida y de las acciones de los fieles laicos.
[In English from Redemptionis Sacramentum]
[44. Apart from the duly instituted ministries of acolyte and lector,111 the most important ofthese ministries are those of acolyte112 and lector113 by temporary deputation. In additionto these are the other functions that are described in the Roman Missal,114 as well as thefunctions of preparing the hosts, washing the liturgical linens, and the like. All, “whetherordained ministers or lay faithful, in exercising their own office or ministry should doexclusively and fully that which pertains to them.”115 In the liturgical celebration itself aswell as in its preparation, they should do what is necessary so that the Church’s Liturgy willbe carried out worthily and appropriately.]
http://radiocristiandad.wordpress.com/Sisters and brothers, as of May 7th, ewtn had already weighed in with regards to Bishops taking it upon themselves to ban Communion on the tongue [[and defy the CDWDS' own 2004 Redemptionis Sacramentum]] ...
...>>>>Swine Flu and Communion on the TongueQuestion ...on 5/3/2009: Does an Archbishop have the authority to mandate that all Catholics must receive Holy Communion in the hand as opposed to the tongue due to the Swine Flu scare. Thank-you, -Marie
...>>>>[Since Father Mark Gantley copyrighted his response from May 7th , I will not print it verbatim. He does say unequivocally that an archbishop has no right to forbid Communion on the tongue Just in case anyone is wondering. Father Gantley wrote this after several bishops had already gone and banned Communion on the tongue- to include our own Bishop Edmund Carmody of Corpus Christi Diocese]
... Please pray!
K. C.
Our heroes' antagonists sound much like the clericalizing over-the-hill beatle-mania priests who assure us that their protestantizing innovations were 'all for the best'....
"'And we, with our whole council, think it right strange that ye, who be but brutes and inexpert folk, do take upon you to appoint us who be meet or not for our council; we will, therefore, bear no such meddling at your hands, it being inconsistent with the duty of good subjects to interfere in such matters.'"
Who's going to win???]]
There's eight of you marked by that 'hot-air balloon' by Skipton!
I was looking at the map of those of you in the UK and was reminded of some kneeling Catholics in your 'neck of woods' a few years back. I even found you a map [with some critical information blocked out to make it challenging] Do you know what the map on top is about?
My last hint is that they were against liturgical innovations. oo-oo-oo that gave it away!
de Brantigny! now you can really be challenged (btw Jimmy Stewart played opposite Grace Kelly in Rear Window :-) )
Can you read my mind? You are now in the final round!
more tomorrow!
K. C.
[updated on 23 may to reflect the winner]I know, I know-- another kneeling Catholic! Guess her name and maybe I'll give you a prize !
Wer ist die kniende Dame? Ihr Deutsch wisst bestimmt!
¿Quién está de rodillas en la Santa Comunión? Si adivina la derecha tal vez te mandaré un premio!
Кто на коленях во время Святого Причастия? Если угадать права я, возможно, будем посылать вам награда!
وهو راكع خلال قربان المقدس؟ إذا كنت تخمين الحق ربما سوف يرسل لك مكافأة!
k.c.I know most of you don't see the connection between 'modern liturgical experts' and 'pro-choice catholicism'. But believe me, it exists. A luke-warm posture when approaching Jesus promotes a luke-warm approach to Jesus in general. If you want to be really 'pro-life' then kneel for the Lord of life!
A few days ago, K. C. went out on a limb and predicted an imminent lifting of the ban on Communion on the tongue. This was because the initial swine flu panic has passed and because the ban itself was not being honored nor enforced. Thank God! But my limb has been chopped off. His excellency, Edmund Carmody, has not lifted the ban! Please pray that he soon will. Please pray that he soon will recommend that his diocese follow the Holy Father's (and 'Brave One's') example!
the blog Catholicism.about.com has done some coverage of the swine-flu-Communion-on-the-tongue-ban. Mr. Richert, the blogger, has highlighted the blatant violation of the Church's law that such a ban represents.
Listen to one of his antagonists, a Kurt Higdon, who is a parishioner from my home diocese!
Kurt: >>>>In my diocese of Corpus Christi, TX, there is now no communion on the tongue [actually, Kurt, my sources tell me that not even the bishop himself is enforcing the ban. Thank God!] or from the cup, no touching at the kiss of peace, and (at least in my parish) no holy water fonts. No distinction is made as to whether or not a person feels ill since someone could be infected or a carrier without current symptoms. These measures, while strict, are I believe justified by the situation and may help impede the spread of this flu. As far as “mandating communion in the hand” is concerned, what is actually meant is forbidding communion on the tongue. To me, common sense would indicate that communion on the tongue or from the cup would be more likely to spread the flu than communion in the hand. ['common sense would indicate' that Kurt does not receive on the tongue, or else he would know that priests don't touch your tongue even one time in a thousand- hence the danger is imagined. This ban is catering to ignorant people's imaginations!]
So I don’t see why people would object to this rule as a temporary measure. [if it is such an unobjectionable rule, then why has it never been done before in response to an epidemic?] This will pass soon enough. In the meantime, why insist on endangering the lives of others just to take communion in your own preferred fashion.[my emphases] <<<<
Comments anyone? .....You know K. C. will have something to say!
According to Benedict XVI, Steven's kneeling is significant because it is an imitation of our Lord kneeling in the Garden of Gethsemane. Doesn't it remind you of Father Pro? (see the last photo on the right)
Therefore, kneeling not only means fervent love, fervent gratitude, fervent penance, total worship --- it also means fervent intercession that Father Pro and St. Steven made for others and especially that Jesus made for us as He sweat drops of Blood.
K. C.
>>>>CORPUS CHRISTI — SINTON — A priest stabbed, kicked and beaten Friday in Sinton was upgraded from critical to serious condition but still is unable to talk, Corpus Christi Diocese officials said Saturday.
Diocese officials are encouraged by the recovery of the Rev. Shaji F. Varghese, 42, administrator of Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church.
“His wounds weren’t as deep as anticipated,” said Bishop Edmond Carmody, who visited Varghese on Saturday at Christus Spohn Memorial Hospital. “He’s alert. His eyes are open, and he’s going to be OK. But he has a long road ahead.”
Police said David Rodriguez, 36, attacked Varghese about 7:40 a.m. Friday in the side doorway of the sanctuary after both celebrated Mass.
Without incident, authorities arrested Rodriguez, a man who sought help at the church for about a year, parishioners said. He remained in San Patricio County Jail on Saturday on charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and tampering with evidence on bonds totaling $350,000, jail officials said.<<<
When I remember that his Holiness ,Paul VI, let it slip that the 'smoke of Satan' had penetrated into the Church I cannot help but think of statement like the one above!
K. C.
>>>> People have the right to receive on the tongue. A priest cannot deny that method. If there is a conflict, one could have recourse to the Congregation. Comment by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf — 5 May 2009 @ 10:35 am <<<<
please note the period after the word method. i.e. "A priest cannot deny Communion on the tongue, period. I would have preferred and exclamation point, but that's just me. :-)
K. C.
These videos have been downloaded from the diocese's broadcast of Sunday's Mass. If you go to the website and watch the Mass in its entirety [it does take time to download ] you will see one 'Don Camillo' and one 'Father Enforcer'. 'Father Enforcer' [in the foreground] meets people who come forward to receive Jesus with a nagging lecture: 'the Bishop says you have to receive in the hand' and browbeats them until they succumb. They all eventually do. [Father Enforcer's conversation with the last man in line is rather lengthy. There is a camera angle shift during his lecture.]
[the 2nd video shows Father Enforcer lecturing the lady in the white jacket] I will not say too much about 'Don Camillo' (named for the brave 1950's, fictional, priest known for his energetic fists), because I don't want to 'out' him. But, you spies out there, should know that K. C. 's information indicates that there was widespread ignoring of the Bishop's edict throughout the Corpus Christi Diocese.
What can one say? 'Thanks, Father Enforcer, for inserting your public health lecture into the most intimate encounter of our lives with the Lord Jesus? 'Or better yet: '!Oye, Padrecito, QUE TE CALLES EL OSICO!'
!Que Viva Don Camillo!
downloaded from goccn.org
Bishop Edmund Carmody has banned Communion on the tongue.
He has done this temporarily in response to the flu epidemic.
A couple of facts need to be remembered.
1. This is an unprecedented action! Bishop Carmody is acting in concert with the bishops of Mexico and a handful of other American Bishops. (To its credit, the Archdiocese of L. A. has not jumped on this bandwagon. ) But this measure has never; not during the 1976 flu epidemic, not during the black plague; ever, been taken before. Communion on the tongue has never before been banned.
2. Ironically according to http://www.mail-archive.com/joynet@jesusyouth.org/msg01722.html
the U.S. bishops reaction to the 1976 epidemic was just the opposite of what Bishop Carmody is doing. They decided to retain the ban on Communion in the hand. K. C. does not understand how basic rules of sanitation and logic could have reversed themselves in 32 years!
3. The Bishop's ban is not in accordance with the Church's own guidelines which state conditions where people may be refused Communion in the hand , Redemptionis Sacramentum par. 92; but specify no contingency for refusing Communion on the tongue! I repeat again, this is not the first epidemic the Church has ever experienced.
4. Unintended (or otherwise) consequences of this action will be to overcome many people's inhibition about touching the Eucharist and some will no doubt they just like it better that way. This action will also undermine the Holy Father's ongoing desire to promote Communion on the tongue. Back-stabbers who seek to oppose Pope Benedict XVI will simply state that taking Communion in the hand is preferable because it is 'all a matter of public health.' K. C. believes that priests very seldom touch anyone's tongue and so the main result of this action will be only to ensure that all Hosts are contaminated by the unwashed hands of the Communicants.
However, even if Communion on the tongue were proven to be 'unsanitary', it should not make any difference. The Church has said no one may be denied Communion on the tongue. The reasons for this are not hygein. They are rooted in basic Catholic dogma. If they can be set aside for hygeine then if it were to be proven that artificial contraception extended women's lifespans, we could also suspend Humana Vitae.
Pray for those who are ill! Pray for those who have perished! Pray for Bishop Carmody!
K. C.