so here it is..[ Mr Thavis finally published .]I respond to a commenter.......
Father Carl Diederichs wrote:
Papa Francesco was and is a pastor. Once you are a pastor, you can no longer practice casuistry and think you are being faithful to Christ by holding on to doctrine and dogma at the expense of real people.
We can turn to the eastern church and find a loving solution that will also mean we don't need the Sacred Rota and any other "court" to help us be faithful Christians. A few people may lose their jobs. Deo Gratias.
Father Carl Diederichs wrote:
We can turn to the eastern church and find a loving solution that will also mean we don't need the Sacred Rota and any other "court" to help us be faithful Christians. A few people may lose their jobs. Deo Gratias.
Father Carl>>>>>>Papa Francesco was and is a pastor. Once you are a pastor, you can no longer practice casuistry and think you are being faithful to Christ by holding on to doctrine and dogma at the expense of real people<<<<<<
kneeling catholic<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Dear Father! I am afraid you have the definition of 'casuistry' backwards. Casuistry has historically been used to allow people to get around the plain sense of a proscription, . a 'Thou Shalt not'. I recognize that casuistry can sometimes be a good thing.
However regarding the case at hand, the 'casuist' would be the one to argue that there are ways around our Lord's plain declaration about Matrimony (that is what casuists do--they look for a way around rules): i.e. Let no man put asunder what God hath joined- and that it is adultery to 'marry' someone who is already married. The casuist would be the one to say that it isn't that simple. The casuist would be the one to be 'pastoral' as you put it<<<<<<<<<