Sunday, June 9, 2013

Kneeling Catholic appeals to Holy Father Pope Francis for clarity!

Crickets have been reigning lately on this blog!

Truth is I was a 'taken aback' when the Holy Father had his first Communion kids stand for Holy Communion with him intincting the Host...but not using a paten.

Dear Pope Francis!

Thank you for not firing your papal master of ceremonies, Msgr.Marini!  I really do believe that some of the Cardinals who elected you did so in order to get rid of Msgr. Marini and thus do away with Pope Benedict's crusade to restore holy reverence to our Worship!  There were many of them who never did accept or respect Benedict's authority to lead Jesus Christ's Church and who seem to want to treat Church matters like a 'fut-bol' match.  They see you as one-of-them, hence their 'side' is winning and now they want to kick the ball for a while.

Such a view, and such behavior--reversing policies--then reversing those-- scandalizes the faithful because it undermines their belief that the Church is something more than a human organization that simply has various factions seizing control from time to time and then wanting us to follow them. The truth is many of those clerics clamoring  to 'lord it' over us and return us to the 1970s  have never followed anyone or anything excepting their own ideological agenda.

Sooner or later, your Holiness, you must answer the following question: Were Pope Benedict's liturgical reforms 'of God'?  How that question is answered will have a direct effect on how the Faithful view your authority as well as that of all the popes which follow you!

very respectfully and totally yours!

kneeling Catholic

1 comment:

  1. I agree... How can we expect priests and bishops to follow Redeptionis Sacramentum paragraph 93 of using the communion plate when our own Pope does not use it. IS JESUS REALLY TRULY SUBSTANTIALLY PRESENT in EVERY PERCEPTIBLE PARTICLE of EACH SPECIES or is the Council of Trent wrong... Holy Father... be a Holy Father and do the right thing. Show respect.... show true humility before God.

    ALSO... Please keep posting... post more... I know it may seem like nobody is listening sometimes, but I promise it makes a difference. These liturgical issues are the medicine for our sick culture and for vocations.

    God bless you!

    Your brother in Houston.
