Thursday, April 16, 2009


This picture appeared in Thursday's Corpus Christi newspaper's local section. The main story is of beatified Mother Julia Navarette Guerrero. But do you locals recognized the sister in the foreground? I am almost tempted to offer another DVD if you can tell us her name! [Cristero and Brave One, you can't answer, but Mrs. Jackie Parkes, Brave Two, who lives in the U. K., feel free to hazard a guess :-)!] [[God bless Miles Jesu!]]

This brave nun has taught many of us [not necessarily Kneeling Catholic!] to have a profound respect for Our Lord. [and for our elders!] It is undeniable and no accident that the parish which is home to so many of her alumni (former students) does not practice Communion in the hand at all. This is all the more striking since practically the opposite is the case for the urban Corpus Christi parishes fed by our other Catholic schools.

Sister has made a difference. I thank God for her! We need to stop shrugging our shoulders and being limp-wristed and protesting weakly: there's-nothing-I-can-do-I'm-just-one-little-person-the-worlds-going-to-hell-in-a-handbasket-anyway. That's right! You are one person. One person + Athanasius + the Pope + all the Holy Saints in Heaven + God Almighty! Remember what His Holiness Pius XII said in his Christmas 1942 message! sorry for more Spanish and Latin in this next video but I'll get a translation for you later, or google it!

[In the darkest days of World War II the pope said it wasn't time for despair, but for hope and for brave action like that of the crusades!]

1 comment:

  1. Great blog..I don't think i recognise any MJs! We mainly had the men's community in London..although my daughter Jenny has stayed in the women's community..must ask her. God bless
