Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Father Rollheiser's 'terminal sedation?' article in South Texas Catholic in need of clarification

Corpus Christi's STC will be printing a 'clarification' of Father Rollheiser's 21 AUG 2009 -article which describes and praises an act which resembles an assisted suicide.....i.e. the victim told her family of her plan to die that same day and then the nurse told them she would give the victim a 'pain shot' to put her into a sleep from she would very likely never wake up, and death soon followed.

[[Would an assisted suicide look any different than what he describes? this scheduling of one's earthly exit certainly does not seem to be letting nature take it's course, but still... exactly what the shot was and how large it's volume would determine whether or not this was 'assisted suicide']] This is an excerpt with K.C.'s underscoring....
>>>>>....And she lived this out, to her dying words: Hospitalized with a disease that would not respond to medication, she developed a blood infection from which there was little hope of recovery. Her family kept vigil around her bedside for several weeks while her condition deteriorated. Finally, she herself took the initiative: She called her family round her, told them that they had been with her in the hospital and away from their homes for too long, informed them that she had called the palliative care unit in the hospital and asked to be transferred there, and that she would die that same day. ...

She was moved to the palliative care unit and the nurse there told the family that she was about to give their mother a shot of pain medication that would put her into a deep sleep from which she would probably never regain consciousness. As this was about to happen, her daughter, the one who shared this story, sat by her mother's bed, held her hand, clung to her like a drowning child, and said: "Oh Mom, a little more time! Just a little more time! Not quite yet! Stay with us for just a little more time!" But her mom, with what strength she still had, replied: "Enough, it's enough." Those were her final words to her daughter and her family.These are strong stories from strong women, each with enough wisdom and faith to undercut the false sentimentality which can so easily paralyze us in the face of loss. Both knew that there is a time to let go and a way to let go that doesn't lessen love but increases it. <<<<<

... from another Father Rollheiser article where he talks about Holland as a wonderful place despite its being the land of euthanasia and abortion, etc.....

>>>>2) One issue does not make for a whole gospel. .... Holland has legalized abortion, euthanasia, prostitution, and various drugs. Church attendance is very low, many people no longer bother to get married inside of the church or even inside of a courthouse, and, from many points of view, things look very post- Christian. ...

Yet, on the other hand, Holland has established one of the most compassionate, peace-loving cultures in the whole world. They take care of their poor better perhaps than any other country in the world, are peace-loving, solicitous that everyone have equal rights, anxious about the environment, and display a wonderful religious and ethnic tolerance. These are no small moral achievements. .............

K.C.'s sources say Father Rollheiser will be given space in an upcoming STC edition to clarify what it was he was talking about....


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