Monday, December 27, 2010

Her Highness gets a little higher

Spain's Queen Sofia's refusal to kneel for Jesus prompted this outburst from a contributor to Praytell Blog (he mentions pictures of Padre Pio and Grace Kelly. I wonder where he saw those! his post is italicized)

...."Because every one that exalteth himself, shall be humbled; and he that humbleth himself, shall be exalted." (Jesus Christ)

When I see beautiful photos of Grace Kelly and the Blessed Pio kneeling to receive, and then see this acrobatic publicity stunt!!, It is a reminder to me that this Pope's gentle reforms are particularly offensive to the high and mighty.


  1. She looks awkward. In this situation it would appear that kneeling would have been the more gracious posture.

  2. I do know some who cannot kneel - for various reasons.
