Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sensus Fidelium

Someone who knows French help out!

Apparently the faithful are rescuing their Church from a rainbow clad Bishop Nourrichard who has had enough of the Latin Mass and ad orientem worship. He makes his triumphant entrance to expel the offending traditional priest....then something unexpected happens the people rise up.....


  1. KC -

    I've posted comments on your site as Larry in the past. I've got my own blog now, and I'm sort of leading an effort to oppose a very heterodox speaker from hosting a retreat at a parish in the Dallas Diocese. Would you be so kind as to read the following, and see if you could link the stories from your site. I think they tie in somewhat with your blog, since this deals with events in Texas.



  2. Shouting down a Bishop is not the answer. You can be sure those people will never get what they want now.

  3. Larry, thanks. Your wesite is very attractive!
    TJB, time will tell. Sometimes being supine, which seems to be what you're advocating, is not being nice. It certainly reflects on Bishop Nourrichard's 'leadership style' that he thought he could cow the little people with his gay-pride vestments.

  4. I agree that this is a difficult issue. I think the people were most angry because this was presented as a fait accompli. I don't like shouting down a bishop, but, I think a lot orthodox Catholics have finally had enough, and they are bent on taking back their Church.

    I agree, the vestments, and the female altar server (which that parish had not had for a long time, if ever), probably significantly inflamed the situation.
