Saturday, October 16, 2021

When a Mormon gets something right that most Catholics don't



Markan priority is the scholarly theory that the Gospel of Mark was composed before Matthew and Luke, and that latter two then copied much of their material  from Mark. Nowadays very few Catholic apologists, not even Trent Horn, are willing to challenge Markan priority.

Not so, this nerdy Mormon guy, ( NMG). NMG totally DEMOLISHES Markan priority starting @ 04:00 and then he delivers a hilarious coup de grace @ 06:30! His very simple solution to the problem starts @10:00.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Atheist performs two HOST DESECRATIONS on Youtube

                                                 skip to  39:15

                                             Skip to 09:40

I ran across these videos a couple of weeks ago....the first is from 2017 and the second is from 2019.

There might be reason to wonder whether the individual might have desecrated an unconsecrated wafer....however I think we can pretty much take him at his word on this.....Not sure what to say about this, other than reparations and prayers and sacrifices need to be made.

Communion in the hand must be banned.