Thursday, February 4, 2016

Kneeling Catholics comment on Tantumblogo regarding Ted Cruz


by way of full disclosure...I was totally indifferent to this years crop of candidates, but lately have started to gravitate towards Trump....not because of his being a great person, but because of Ted Cruz's deficiencies......

1. the birther issue, this question will not go away..Cruz will lose in the general election.  Many nativist conservatives, --having it drilled into them that Obama is disloyal because he wasn't born in the USA-- will feel luke-warm about electing a man who really wasn't born in the USA and maintained Canadian citizenship until a couple years ago....they will just stay home

2. Cruz' doctrinaire espousal of free trade to the detriment of rustbelt workers. We can forget about him picking up any 'swing states' like Pennsylvania.  He just cannot win. He thinks he's Ronald Reagan?  Reagan carried CA twice....that's not going to happen...

3. Gog and Magog. I heard a fundamentalist call in to Michael Savage the other day to explain that Cruz can never cooperate with Putin against ISIS because he sees Russia as either Gog or Magog and teaming up with Iran to invade Israel for Armageddon.....Is this true? beats me! but it does seem to harmonize. Cruz' behavior seems to indicate that he's a believer in Left Behind LEFT BEHIND and Russia....

4. Cruz stomping out of a persecuted Middle Eastern Christian forum because they would not admit that 'the State of Israel is persecuted Christians biggest ally'  and then implying that they all hated Jews (State of Israel best friend of persecuted Christians ) because some people could not stomach his shilling for Netanyahu at meeting condemning ISIS which IS Israel's favorite player in Syria, ( why Israel likes ISIS  )

5. Cruz' father's story is not compelling.  He fought to install Castro.  He's now a  health-and-wealth preacher.  Ted is his disciple.  Is it unfair?  Maybe, but remember how we have tried to tie 'Reverend Wright'  and Farrakhan around President O's neck?

Monday, February 1, 2016

Boorstein of Washington Post helps homosexual priest out himself

"The Chicago priest remembers wanting to speak from the pulpit when same-sex marriage became legal in California in 2008. But he talked himself out of it. “I thought: ‘Oh my gosh, if I talk about it, they’ll think I’m gay.’ ”......

In the article, Father soandso, talks about about his great respect for the Church's teaching on sexuality, but just seems to disagree with it.

One of the few places where Boorstein quotes him, 'I'm gay, I'm a priest, period'.
Conveys several things:
1. Father Soandso wants his sexuality to be in his parishioner's face
2. by not stating what he means: he has a live-in rentboy in the rectory? or he only has same sex attraction which he never has acted out?...Father Soandso puts his stamp of approval on priests who do have rentboys.....

I'm afraid we have to chalk such ambiguity up to the Holy Father

I'm gay,I'm a priest, period