Friday, January 29, 2016

Israeli defense minister: If I had to choose between Iran and ISIS, I’d choose ISIS

Friends, my apologies for further political comments, but Ted Cruz' bating Middle Eastern Christians really got under my skin.....recall that Cruz insisted that the State of Israel is Middle Eastern Christians' best friend and when the Christians hooted,Cruz walked out saying that he could not stand with them (the Christians).

Cruz' mendacity on this topic is overwhelming, especially in light of the 19 Jan statements by Israel's Defense Minister about why
Isis needs to win in Syria

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Kneeling Catholic Wades into Politics, attacks Ted Cruz

 I must disagree with many Christians' (and my big brother's!) endorsement of Ted Cruz.
Here's a link to Cruz picking a fight with Middle Eastern Christians
.......I apologize if you have already seen this.

I just cannot get past the video above ...... Cruz comes before this audience to announce to them that the State of Israel is their best friend and if they don't accept that, then they are jew-haters?
I don't think the State of Israel has taken in Christian Refugees, at least not like the Muslim Kurds-God-bless-them have.  Additionally Israel has been willing to turn a blind eye to ISIS in Syria because they see Assad (Whom the Syrian Christians support) as more of an enemy than ISIS.

I hate bringing this up, I haven't even broached the topic with big bro' because it would cause a violent argument.  Please take this with a grain of political opinions are not all that reliable.
:-)  k.c.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Papal Loyalist,'Semper Fiat' , takes issue with Pope Francis' Interreligious Dialog Video AND with Pope Francis

Semper has been the Holy Father's defender in the past, e.g. papal humility

Right at minute 33, Semper Fiat is forced to state:  "Strictly speaking, the Pope made a mistake here."

Semper's video is a detailed treatment of the Holy Father's video and he seems to bend over backwards to give Francis the benefit of doubt, however......